Sunday, 9 May 2010

Scroll of Learning

Apart from a few paper props this was my first attempt in creating something a bit more interesting. A small scroll carrying symbols from the Simon Necronomicon as a sort of proof of concept.

It's a simple of construction, a softwood dowel with a draw handle at each end, varnished, kicked about the back garden then varnished again for a bit of distress. The scroll itself is canvas painted with acrylics, scrunched up and dyed in tea.

As a prototype I'm fairly happy with it, cheap to make and a nice apart from the usual spell book an eldritch scroll will make a nice prop for a game once scrawled in Latin and embellished with some weird symbols.

It occurs to me a large wall scroll with some disturbing diagrams of lands and creatures beyond our imagination would be great in a gaming room.


I've recently set out on a mission to create a Call Of Cthulhu campaign of epic proportions. My intentions are to create a wealth of paper and more substantial props for the campaign. Here I'll share works in progress, ideas and hopefully a few finished articles.

Also included will be curiosities and the such which whilst not being CoC specifically may be a fine source of inspiration.